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7 Tips for Breaking Addiction
Addiction can be a long and scary road, especially if you’re in it alone. Often times, those who have serious addictions such as...
Walk and Save!
One of the hallmarks of becoming a full-fledged adult is realizing the myriad benefits of having a well-stocked savings account. One setback like...
7 Workouts to Tone Your Butt and Thighs
Most people seek for a way to tone their butt and thighs. It is often that people begin programs aimed at toning their thighs...
How to Achieve your weight loss goals
Trying to perdre du poids is a difficult task that can seem unachievable at times. It takes time and dedication, and you will probably...
Extreme Fitness: “Flow” and the Athlete’s Mind
Why do some athletes reach superstar or Hall of Fame levels while their peers all around them often fail to live up...